A brush is one of the most important working tools of an artist, so if you are new to painting, then it is advisable to briefly familiarize yourself with what brushes are and for what purpose they are used in painting.
It is believed that the first brushes appeared in China, at the time when writing appeared. It is not difficult to guess that their main purpose was to write hieroglyphs. Brushes were made at that time, almost as much as now.
For the brush itself, the bristles of animals were taken, the most expensive are the brushes from fox bristle, marten or sable, cheaper ones were made from cat bristles.
The most suitable bristle is on the cat’s tummy, I don’t think that cats really liked it when they cut out, if you have a cat at home, you can try to make yourself a brush, although it will be much easier to buy it in the store.
More rigid stubble and at the same time cheap, borrowed from rats and mice. When the bristles were cut, they were tied with threads, and the base was dipped into molten rosin.
After the resin was hardened, you just had to insert it into the slot of the bamboo stick. The wand itself was decorated with various precious stones, gilding was used, some of the sticks were made of ivory.
Watercolor brushes
For drawing water paints, for example, watercolor. You just can not do without brushes made of natural hair.