The scroll saw is a finest tool for woodworking and it helps you in making the detail lines in the wood and cut the wood in fine manner. The scroll saw machine has the thin blade that moves up and down at the high rate of speed and when you choose the improper thickness or wrong wood then the work piece cannot fit, jump upside and down, chip, smoke or all of the above.
When you are using the scroll saw machine then it is very much necessary and important to use the softwood to train or practice how to use the scroll saw. The wood piece such as the white pine is found to be having the little tension or resistance towards the scroll saw blade. If you like to do more advanced practice then it is better to switch to alder to get the experience of cutting the hardwood piece in the scroll saws.
When you are using the scroll saw to cut the hardwood pieces then you must use the gauge and test how tight machine or how small rounded cuts can be without cracking or binding. Alder, pine or poplar, although it is very nice to practice the wood cutting with the scroll saws where this is because the scroll saw machine cuts the softwood where the beginners can cut the wood perfectly and you can achieve the perfect curves in the wood pieces.
If you are very curious about the wood working patterns like these scroll saw patterns on and then first you need to test them on the soft wood pieces before using the wood pattern of the final wood choice only then you can achieve the best pattern on the wood.
Best woods for the scroll saw machine
From the simplistic of dovetail joints to the top most intricate of intarsia then scroll saw machine enables you to create the clear and cleanest wood working pieces, most of the precise cuts on the wood are achieved because of using the scroll saw machine. When you are choosing the best wood for your scroll saw wood projects you can save your undue frustration and you can save both materials and time. In the most of the cases the soft woods are not found to be the best wood for the scroll saw projects in which following are the some of the best wood for the scroll saw woodworking projects. They are.
- Walnut
- Maple
- Cherry
- Apple
- Hickory
- Ash
- Birch
Apart from the above wood pieces there are also many things which you need to consider for working on the scroll saw projects such as like thickness, dull blades and practice, once if you have been experienced in cutting the wood pieces in scroll saw machine then you can cut the wood pieces perfectly. Most important thing is that there are number of woods present in the market where it is your responsibility to find the best wood for your scroll saw project only then you can achieve the perfect outcome and result of the curves in the wood pieces.